Ocean Bound Plastic Recycled Fabric

Ocean Bound Plastic is a plastic waste that is not managed correctly and is abandoned in the environment where it will be transported to the Oceans either by rain, wind, tides, river flow, floods.
We have developed an ethical supply chain, with our partners collecting plastics and preventing them from entering the seas and ocean. Recycling the collected plastic into fine polyester fabric. And then we make Bags and accessories out of the Recycled Ocean Bound Plastic fabric ,for brands and companies based all over the world.
Our aim is to create a positive social impact by creating jobs and better economic opportunities within vulnerable communities & also create a sustainable recycling model to save the oceans from getting polluted and also conserving the environment for future generations.

Therefore we call upon start-ups, brands (small-sized, mid-sized, big-sized) to join us on this journey and create a sustainable recycling model.