In this current era with the rise in modernization and advancements in the scientific domain, the damage caused to the environment by us fulfilling our never-ending demands can not be ignored. So, to sustain our objectives by causing minimal damage to the environment, in 2015 The United Nations General Assembly has set up 17 Sustainable Development Goals and our Organization would like to contribute in this endeavor by working with a Non-Profit Organization called Prameya Foundation.

The Prameya Foundation founded in 2016, is a group of young environmental conservators and believers of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. In the year 2022, they joined the Early Career Ocean Professional Programme (hereinafter referred to as “ECOP Programme”), an officially endorsed Programme of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030), as a Partner. Have a look at the Foundation

They highlight the danger to the local communities in places which are valued for their mesmerizing natural beauty but are affected by global climate change. The Organization strives to resist and counter the effects of climate change in areas like the Eastern Himalayan belt and the Sundarbans, they strongly believe that though the hills and mangroves contribute a negligible effect to global climate change, they are ones who are being punished the most. A gradual increase in the overall temperature of Earth’s atmosphere, melting of ice glaciers and rising of sea level has increased the frequency of heavy rainfall and uncalled storms which leads to agricultural damage. The Prameya Foundation’s pioneer project is conserving the mangrove natural habitat and especially the women folk of the village are very much enthusiastic in taking charge for the plantation of the mangrove tree. They (Prameya) are also highly involved with running their own School (Paathshala) , through which they aim to bring up environmental consciousness by empowering activities like school education, skill development and agri-tourism.

The Mangroves play a very vital role in our environment by providing valuable protection for communities at risk from sea-level rise and severe weather change caused by climate change. They help keep minerals and nutrients in nearshore areas. They protect the coasts from typhoons, floods and strong waves and they also contribute in preventing soil erosion.

Our Organization has been collaborating with The Prameya Foundation by providing salaries for School teachers and by assisting the people of the financially backward communities in the Sundarbans.

The best inspiration to buy our products

We, are offering our buyers to be a part of Mangrove plantation initiative, where buyers and brand-owner, startups or multinational giants pay only 50 cents (USD) extra on every purchase towards the plantation of Mangrove trees & we allot a specific place in Sundarbans (A UNESCO world heritage site) to you for each Mangrove plantation and we welcome you to visit at any time of the year and we will provide pictures, videos and an authentic certification of the plantation to you. We already have a US client who is on board with us in this project and we expect more to join. #MonPrameya.